Monday, January 3, 2011

Updates from our family

I'm 36 weeks pregnant now and now its just time for the count down I'm so excited for her to come. For our Christmas we got the best gift early; my mom sent me a huge box full of presents it was so nice to have some presents under our tree that was given to us by the army. For our New Years Eve we moved all our big furniture into our new apartment and I must say I love this place compared to our old apartment. There is so much room except our bedroom is a little smaller but Vanessa will have a nice room to sleep in and its cheap. After getting everything moved we got some things ready, Vince has his own large closet to put everything army related out of the way and Vanessa's crib is all set up yay. Thats everything for now we'll have some more updates coming soon


  1. I'm so dang excited for you guys! You should post pictures of your new place. Not that I'm one to talk cuz I never got around to posting pics of ours, but whatever.
